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  • WSW Pro - The Coming Rate Cut Cycle On Tap As Precious Metals Begin Next Leg Higher

WSW Pro - The Coming Rate Cut Cycle On Tap As Precious Metals Begin Next Leg Higher

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Last week, gold made a new all-time high, as the price of gold simply soared on Thursday and Friday. This is the start of a new leg higher for precious metals and mining stocks and those that continue to HODL in Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are being left behind.

More on gold in a second, but first we need to talk about this week’s Federal Reserve meeting at which the Fed is going to make its first interest rate cut of this coming rate cut cycle.

An unusual thing has happened this weekend. As I write this, on Saturday, there is no big Wall Street Journal article this weekend about the next FOMC meeting. There are no big leaks to the media about what the Federal Reserve is going to do. This is highly unusual as there almost always are and this is going to be a huge meeting.

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